Civil Engineering Civil Engineering

About The Department                    .    

 SACS MAVMM management have done a wide survey in Engineering line and identified the need for the society. According to its paradigm they found and decided to start the, most important course of Civil engineering in this Engg college. In the year 2008 the Civil Engineering Department successfully started and grown up one, with full pledged and well equipped by the dutiful, devoted and dedicated services rendered by the Faculties serviced at this Department

Now it is in progress produced successful Engineers of 4 batches.

Vision and Mission


Create a climate that promotes initiatives quality education and service to the community and work enhancing systems

Provide committed leadership and continuous professional enrichment of staff with in a participating management process.

Encourage all our staff, to extend possible within our resources, to undergo prioritized need- based development programs, including industrial training and the acquisition of higher qualification.

Provide professional developments opportunities for all the members of staff.


In this College the civil Engineering Department seeks to Accomplish its mission by:

Offering quality Engineering Degree program including Total High , Quality Education Management skill, Entrepreneurial  skill, studies which are concern for the community and the neighbour  hood.

Demonstrating accessibility, equity, innovation, high ethical and moral standards.

Developing the total personality and there by improve their critical thinking skills, problem solving and Decision making. 

Using a highly flexible friendly and responsive delivery system we make each student highly Competitive with great potentiality.

Developing the full potential of every staff member in an environment of openness oneness and ownness and maximum  Participation


S.No Name Designation Qualification Specialisation Photo
1 Dr.S.P.M.Kannan Head Of Department M.E., PhD Civil Engineering DSC_0415
2 Mr.Loganathan Head Of Department(INC) M.E., Structural Engineering RAJESH (2)
3 Mr.G.Saravana Selvan Assistant Professor M.E., Structural Engineering Saravavanselvan
4 Mrs.S.Jeyakanchana Assistant Professor M.E., Structural Engineering Jeyakanchana
5 Mr.B.Muthumari Assistant Professor M.E., Structural Engineering muthu photo1
6 Mr.M.Saravana Kumar Assistant Professor M.E., Structural Engineering 527164
7 Mrs.K.Meenakumari Assistant Professor M.E., Structural Engineering Meenakumari
8 Mr.M.Thiyagu Assistant Professor M.E., Structural Engineering Civil2.jpg
Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

After completion of the civil engineering course, each of our students should be:

1.   Able to create their own job and not to be a job seeker.

2.   Able to undertake any construction project as their own.

3.   Aware of procedure of getting the financial support and technical support.

4.   Capable of shooting the problems practically in any construction project confidently.

5.   Clever in implementing their education both in field and on their personal lives.

6.   Productive and worthy engineers for the nation.


Programme Outcomes (POs)

The Civil Engineering department of our college following the subject content specified by the Anna university ,Chennai ,having the pleasure of teaching the students objectively to know about the latest technology in the construction field and well aware of technical know - how.

The objectives:

        The students must be able to,

      Comprehend the subjects thoroughly in civil engineering course.

      Differentiate theoretical and experimental, designs of constructional projects.

      Align the managerial skills.

      Prepare the report on the constructional project.

      Feel comfortable in problem solving and decision making.



Surveying lab

In Our Survey Lab, we have all the instruments, to do the following survey work for both Linear Measurements, Angular Measurements including the latest of instrument “Total Station” with all the accessories in good working condition. The land and space available for survey work, wider lengthier red to do all sorts of survey work at our campus itself.

        Soil Mechanics Lab                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Concrete and Highway Engineering 

Well equipped and spacious lab. Well equipped and spacious lab. Even we have separate working Platform with shelter to prepare Concrete mixture in dry condition as well as in wet condition. We have required number of Equipments machines and accessories.

Soil Lab

Soils mechanics 

This laboratory contains all sorts of machinery, equipments, stop watches and oven (to dry moisture soil) weighing balance, as per the recommendations of Anna University.

Environment Engineering                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Environmental Engineering 

To learn about the fluids, nature and other properties which affect, the Hydraulic structures, we have well equipped Hydraulics Laboratory which is able to accommodate even 70 students at a time. The necessary accessories are also available sufficiently.


Strength of materials 

Ample amount of specimen, to conduct experiment in all aspects like pension, compression, shear deflection Impact testes on steel timber and other construction materials.


Hydraulics Engineering 

In this lab, students are trained to operate D.C. machines, A.C. machines and transformers through experimentation.. The lab comprises of major equipment like DC motors and DC generators, Single phase and three phase Induction motors, Single phase and three phase transformers, Synchronous Generators and motors.


In this lab, students are trained to operate D.C. machines, A.C. machines and transformers through experimentation.. The lab comprises of major equipment like DC motors and DC generators, Single phase and three phase Induction motors, Single phase and three phase transformers, Synchronous Generators and motors.


In this lab, students are trained to operate D.C. machines, A.C. machines and transformers through experimentation.. The lab comprises of major equipment like DC motors and DC generators, Single phase and three phase Induction motors, Single phase and three phase transformers, Synchronous Generators and motors.


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